Monday, July 6, 2009

LD: Stuart Brown and National Institutes of Play

Last night I listened to a radio interview with Dr. Stuart Brown, a former professor of psychiatry and neurology, and now director of the National Institute For Play. In case you prefer reading to listening, here's the transcript.

A fascinating point he made about halfway through the interview: he said that he distinguishes competition from contest. He thinks of competition as just one person measuring her or himself against another, and that it only becomes a contest when you have to have a winner, a loser, and domination. I think affirmatives might be able to use this to very good effect, and he's got quite impressive credentials. It's worth checking out.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

LD: More ideas and a reading list

Part One

Part Two

So after yesterday's lengthy reading list for the TP topic, I didn't want you to think I was slacking off on the LD topic.

Same offer as I made the TP folks: if you're within travel distance of Eugene, Oregon and would like to sweep a library, I can offer you a classroom at Northwest Christian as your staging ground and your debrief room, and I can be there to bounce ideas before, during and after such a library assault. You can get both the TP and LD kids together and get a lot done in one trip.

Here are some books from the U of O collection that probably hold promise for the LD topic:
  • Agonistics: arenas of creative contest, Janet Lungstrum

  • Children in cooperation and competition : toward a developmental social psychology, Emmy A. Pepitone

  • Competition in theory and practice, Terry Burke

  • Competition policy in America: history, rhetoric, law, Rudolph Peritz

  • Competition, cooperation, efficiency, and social organization: introduction to a political economy, Antonio Jorge

  • Competition, trust, and cooperation: a comparative study, Yuichi Shionoya

  • Competition: the birth of a new science, James H. Case

  • Cooperation and competition among primitive peoples, Margaret Mead

  • Cooperation and competition in humans and animals, Andrew M. Colman

  • Cooperation and competition in the global economy: issues and strategies, Antonio Furino

  • Cooperation and competition: theory and research, David W. Johnson

  • Co-opetition, Adam Brandenburger

  • Dynamics of interpersonal competition and cooperation: the experience with competition and subsequent cooperation, Byungjune Chun

  • Economics, competition and academia: an intellectual history of sophism versus virtue, Donald Stabile

  • Ethics and excellence: cooperation and integrity in business, Robert C. Solomon

  • Excellence: can we be equal and excellent too? John W. Gardner

  • Handbook of transformative cooperation: new designs and dynamics, Sandy Kristin Piderit

  • Hot spots: why some teams, workplaces, and organizations buzz with energy-- and others don't, Lynda Gratton

  • In search of excellence: lessons from America's best-run companies, Thomas J. Peters.

  • Learning together and alone : cooperative, competitive, and individualistic learning, David W. Johnson

  • Moral sentiments and material interests: the foundations of cooperation in economic life, Herbert Gintis

  • Pluralism: against the demand for consensus, Nicholas Rescher

  • Rambo and the Dalai Lama: the compulsion to win and its threat to human survival, Gordon Fellman

  • Sport in Society, Jay Coakley.

  • The complexity of cooperation: agent-based models of competition and collaboration, Robert M. Axelrod

  • The cooperative sports & games book: challenge without competition, Terry Orlick

  • The death of competition: leadership and strategy in the age of business ecosystems, James F. Moore

  • The spirit of community: rights, responsibilities, and the communitarian agenda, Amitai Etzioni

  • The survival game: how game theory explains the biology of cooperation and competition, David P. Barash
I don't have a list of journals, because there aren't journals set aside for this problem area the way there are for pollution and other environmental issues, but on the U of O research computers you'd have access to a number of search engines that would help you dig out articles in game theory, social psychology, law reviews, etc. that would equip you for both sides.

Let me know if you make it to my neighborhood, and we'll set something up.