Sweeping The Library, part two
At the end of the video, there's an invitation to people in or near Oregon to come sweep Knight Library at the University of Oregon, and use one of our classrooms as your staging ground. You can bounce ideas with me, or debrief and sort your articles into categories after you get done.
What's below is the bait I'm dangling in front of you to tempt you to come. It is by no means an exhaustive list of all the books or journals in the U of O library that I think you and a club ought to check out. This is just scratching the surface. You can find some awfully good evidence that no one else has, if you're willing to roll up your sleeves and work hard.
Books I think you should at least look at. Every last one of these is a 2009 book, and all are in the U of O library:
- Becoming good ancestors: how we balance nature, community, and technology, David Ehrenfeld
- Blue-green coalitions: fighting for safe workplaces and healthy communities, Brian Mayer
- Conservation psychology: understanding and promoting human care for nature, Susan Clayton
- Contagion and chaos: disease, ecology, and national security in the era of globalization, Andrew T. Price-Smith
- Diagnosis mercury: money, politics, and poison, Jane M. Hightower
- Doing environmental ethics, Robert Traer
- Energy in a changing climate, Martin Nicholson
- Environmental economics: an introduction, Barry C. Field
- Environmental law and justice in context, Jonas Ebbesson & Phoebe Okawa
- Environmental politics: stakeholders, interests, and policymaking, Norman Miller
- Global warming and the political ecology of health: emerging crises and systemic solutions, Hans A. Baer
- Investing in a sustainable world: why GREEN is the new color of money on Wall Street, Matthew J. Kiernan
- Love God, heal Earth, Sally G. Bingham
- Nature in common?: environmental ethics and the contested foundations of environmental policy, Ben A. Minteer
- Nested ecology: the place of humans in the ecological hierarchy, Edward T. Wimberley
- Recalibrating the law of humans with the laws of nature: climate change, human rights and intergenerational justice, Burns Weston
- Smart green: how to implement sustainable business practices in any industry and make money, Jonathan Estes
- The economics of climate change policies: macroeconomic effects, structural adjustments and technological change, Rainer Walz
- The environmental food crisis: the environment's role in averting future food crises: a UNEP rapid response assessment, Christian Nelleman
- The global deal: climate change and the creation of a new era of progress and prosperity, Nicholas Stern
- The human right to a green future: environmental rights and intergenerational justice, Richard P. Hiskes
- Two billion cars: driving toward sustainability, Daniel Sperling
- Unquenchable: America's water crisis and what to do about it, Robert Glennon
- Why we disagree about climate change: understanding controversy, inaction and opportunity, Michael Hulme
- Yellowstone and the snowmobile: locking horns over national park use, Michael J. Yochim
- Biology and environment
- Buffalo environmental law journal
- Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America
- Business Strategy and the Environment
- Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy
- Clean water report
- Colorado journal of international environmental law and policy
- Dickinson journal of environmental law & policy
- Duke environmental law & policy forum
- Ecological and environmental anthropology
- Ecological applications
- Ecological complexity
- Ecological economics
- Ecological engineering
- Ecological indicators
- Ecological informatics
- Ecological management & restoration
- Ecological modelling
- Ecological Monographs
- Ecological research
- Ecological Restoration
- Environmental and ecological statistics
- Environmental Conservation
- Environmental Economics and Policy Studies
- Environmental engineering and policy
- Environmental history review
- Environmental Policy and Law
- Environmental pollution. Series A, Ecological and biological
- Environmental protection
- Environmental science & policy
- Environmental science and pollution research international
- Environs
- Global Environmental Change
- Groundwater monitor
- Human and Ecological Risk Assessment
- Inside EPA's environmental policy alert
- International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology
- International journal of sustainable energy
- Journal of arid environments
- Journal of Developments in Sustainable Agriculture
- Journal of environmental assessment policy and management
- Journal of environmental policy & planning
- Journal of Regulatory Economics
- Journal of renewable and sustainable energy
- Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association
- Journal of the IEST Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology
- Missouri Environmental Law and Policy Review
- NAFTA: Related Environmental Issues and Initiatives ( Policy Papers )
- Pace environmental law review
- Pollution Engineering
- Regulation
- Remote sensing of environment
- Sustainable development law & policy
- The environmental forum
- The Open Environmental Pollution & Toxicology Journal
- UCLA journal of environmental law & policy
- Water, air, and soil pollution
How I wish I lived near Oregon myself....sigh. I guess I'll just have to organize my own sweep! :)