This looks quite good. You might be able to track it down at a nearby library, or you might need to order it from the publisher. While you're at it, see if you can find a copy of this book too.
A fascinating point he made about halfway through the interview: he said that he distinguishes competition from contest. He thinks of competition as just one person measuring her or himself against another, and that it only becomes a contest when you have to have a winner, a loser, and domination. I think affirmatives might be able to use this to very good effect, and he's got quite impressive credentials. It's worth checking out.
So after yesterday's lengthy reading list for the TP topic, I didn't want you to think I was slacking off on the LD topic.
Same offer as I made the TP folks: if you're within travel distance of Eugene, Oregon and would like to sweep a library, I can offer you a classroom at Northwest Christian as your staging ground and your debrief room, and I can be there to bounce ideas before, during and after such a library assault. You can get both the TP and LD kids together and get a lot done in one trip.
Here are some books from the U of O collection that probably hold promise for the LD topic:
Agonistics: arenas of creative contest, Janet Lungstrum
Children in cooperation and competition : toward a developmental social psychology, Emmy A. Pepitone
Competition in theory and practice, Terry Burke
Competition policy in America: history, rhetoric, law, Rudolph Peritz
Competition, cooperation, efficiency, and social organization: introduction to a political economy, Antonio Jorge
Competition, trust, and cooperation: a comparative study, Yuichi Shionoya
Competition: the birth of a new science, James H. Case
Cooperation and competition among primitive peoples, Margaret Mead
Cooperation and competition in humans and animals, Andrew M. Colman
Cooperation and competition in the global economy: issues and strategies, Antonio Furino
Cooperation and competition: theory and research, David W. Johnson
Co-opetition, Adam Brandenburger
Dynamics of interpersonal competition and cooperation: the experience with competition and subsequent cooperation, Byungjune Chun
Economics, competition and academia: an intellectual history of sophism versus virtue, Donald Stabile
Ethics and excellence: cooperation and integrity in business, Robert C. Solomon
Excellence: can we be equal and excellent too? John W. Gardner
Handbook of transformative cooperation: new designs and dynamics, Sandy Kristin Piderit
Hot spots: why some teams, workplaces, and organizations buzz with energy-- and others don't, Lynda Gratton
In search of excellence: lessons from America's best-run companies, Thomas J. Peters.
Learning together and alone : cooperative, competitive, and individualistic learning, David W. Johnson
Moral sentiments and material interests: the foundations of cooperation in economic life, Herbert Gintis
Pluralism: against the demand for consensus, Nicholas Rescher
Rambo and the Dalai Lama: the compulsion to win and its threat to human survival, Gordon Fellman
Sport in Society, Jay Coakley.
The complexity of cooperation: agent-based models of competition and collaboration, Robert M. Axelrod
The cooperative sports & games book: challenge without competition, Terry Orlick
The death of competition: leadership and strategy in the age of business ecosystems, James F. Moore
The spirit of community: rights, responsibilities, and the communitarian agenda, Amitai Etzioni
The survival game: how game theory explains the biology of cooperation and competition, David P. Barash
I don't have a list of journals, because there aren't journals set aside for this problem area the way there are for pollution and other environmental issues, but on the U of O research computers you'd have access to a number of search engines that would help you dig out articles in game theory, social psychology, law reviews, etc. that would equip you for both sides.
Let me know if you make it to my neighborhood, and we'll set something up.
Sweeping The Library, part two At the end of the video, there's an invitation to people in or near Oregon to come sweep Knight Library at the University of Oregon, and use one of our classrooms as your staging ground. You can bounce ideas with me, or debrief and sort your articles into categories after you get done.
What's below is the bait I'm dangling in front of you to tempt you to come. It is by no means an exhaustive list of all the books or journals in the U of O library that I think you and a club ought to check out. This is just scratching the surface. You can find some awfully good evidence that no one else has, if you're willing to roll up your sleeves and work hard.
Books I think you should at least look at. Every last one of these is a 2009 book, and all are in the U of O library:
Becoming good ancestors: how we balance nature, community, and technology, David Ehrenfeld
Blue-green coalitions: fighting for safe workplaces and healthy communities, Brian Mayer
Conservation psychology: understanding and promoting human care for nature, Susan Clayton
Contagion and chaos: disease, ecology, and national security in the era of globalization, Andrew T. Price-Smith
Diagnosis mercury: money, politics, and poison, Jane M. Hightower
Doing environmental ethics, Robert Traer
Energy in a changing climate, Martin Nicholson
Environmental economics: an introduction, Barry C. Field
Environmental law and justice in context, Jonas Ebbesson & Phoebe Okawa
Environmental politics: stakeholders, interests, and policymaking, Norman Miller
Global warming and the political ecology of health: emerging crises and systemic solutions, Hans A. Baer
Investing in a sustainable world: why GREEN is the new color of money on Wall Street, Matthew J. Kiernan
Love God, heal Earth, Sally G. Bingham
Nature in common?: environmental ethics and the contested foundations of environmental policy, Ben A. Minteer
Nested ecology: the place of humans in the ecological hierarchy, Edward T. Wimberley
Recalibrating the law of humans with the laws of nature: climate change, human rights and intergenerational justice, Burns Weston
Smart green: how to implement sustainable business practices in any industry and make money, Jonathan Estes
The economics of climate change policies: macroeconomic effects, structural adjustments and technological change, Rainer Walz
The environmental food crisis: the environment's role in averting future food crises: a UNEP rapid response assessment, Christian Nelleman
The global deal: climate change and the creation of a new era of progress and prosperity, Nicholas Stern
The human right to a green future: environmental rights and intergenerational justice, Richard P. Hiskes
Two billion cars: driving toward sustainability, Daniel Sperling
Unquenchable: America's water crisis and what to do about it, Robert Glennon
Why we disagree about climate change: understanding controversy, inaction and opportunity, Michael Hulme
Yellowstone and the snowmobile: locking horns over national park use, Michael J. Yochim
And here is a partial and preliminary list of the available journals I think you should at least skim through the past couple of years, picking out and copying (or emailing to yourself) the best articles. All are in the U of O library collection, some in hard copy and some through their electronic databases:
Biology and environment
Buffalo environmental law journal
Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America
Business Strategy and the Environment
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy
Clean water report
Colorado journal of international environmental law and policy
Dickinson journal of environmental law & policy
Duke environmental law & policy forum
Ecological and environmental anthropology
Ecological applications
Ecological complexity
Ecological economics
Ecological engineering
Ecological indicators
Ecological informatics
Ecological management & restoration
Ecological modelling
Ecological Monographs
Ecological research
Ecological Restoration
Environmental and ecological statistics
Environmental Conservation
Environmental Economics and Policy Studies
Environmental engineering and policy
Environmental history review
Environmental Policy and Law
Environmental pollution. Series A, Ecological and biological
Environmental protection
Environmental science & policy
Environmental science and pollution research international
Global Environmental Change
Groundwater monitor
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment
Inside EPA's environmental policy alert
International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology
International journal of sustainable energy
Journal of arid environments
Journal of Developments in Sustainable Agriculture
Journal of environmental assessment policy and management
Journal of environmental policy & planning
Journal of Regulatory Economics
Journal of renewable and sustainable energy
Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association
Journal of the IEST Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology
Missouri Environmental Law and Policy Review
NAFTA: Related Environmental Issues and Initiatives ( Policy Papers )
Pace environmental law review
Pollution Engineering
Remote sensing of environment
Sustainable development law & policy
The environmental forum
The Open Environmental Pollution & Toxicology Journal
Thomas C. Downs, attorney, American University Law Review, Fall 1992, p. 159 Accordingly, a number of bills have been introduced in Congress to regulate green marketing claims. The bills offer two divergent approaches to the problem. The first approach divides the responsibility for green marketing regulation between the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the agency responsible for environmental policy, and the FTC, the agency responsible for enforcing laws against deceptive advertising.
Jacqueline Karnell Corn, Associate Professor, The Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health, Environmental Public Health Policy for Asbestos in Schools: Unintended Consequences, 1999, p. 16 Before proceeding further it is necessary to present some important technical concepts, seldom explained to the public or to Congress, and thus poorly understood. They were underutilized or even ignored by EPA, the regulatory agency responsible for environmental policy. The concepts include: threshold, extrapolation from high dose to low dose, and risk assessment.
Louie Gilot, staff reporter, El Paso Times, May 18, 2005 p. 1B While the EPA is responsible for environmental policy, "there is a great deal that others can do to make sure that children are protected from environmental threats," William H. Sanders III, acting director of the Office of Children's Health Protection, said in a news release about the award.
Scott Shepard, staff reporter, Atlanta Journal and Constitution, January 31, 2001, p. 3A Whitman also was confirmed by the Senate, 99-0, to take over the EPA, which is responsible for environmental policies. She will resign as governor of New Jersey a year shy of completing her second and final term.
It'll be a few days before I post my first thoughts on the TP topic, because, to be perfectly honest, I'm scratching my head over the wording. Don't get me wrong: there are clearly angles. But it's going to be a slightly longer process than with the LD topic.
What I'm offering today is something from very long ago. The NDT/CEDA topic in the 1996-97 season required affirmatives to strengthen regulations that required a decrease in environmental pollution, and what I'm posting here are links to intelligence reports from two key tournaments that year. The University of Northern Iowa was the season opener, so the affirmatives and negative arguments were brand new and untested. The University of Southern California tournament took place over Christmas, so that was the mid-season status report.
Many of the arguments you'll see listed are not at all current anymore. These lists are just a tad under thirteen years old, and things have changed. But they're good food for thought, and a few might still be viable. If you're ready to start thinking about next year, start here, and in a few days I'll have some thoughts up.
Here at Northwest Christian University, we debate and speak to lift up the glorious name of God. We compete our hearts out, but we also involve ourselves in other groups and activities, because there are too many opportunities to serve and grow for any of us to put everything into one pursuit.